jerseycounterinfo Hi comrades, thanks for letting us know about this. There seems to be a problem with your RSS feed, as the last post in the feed is dated May 5th. That's why new articles aren't being added to our website.
After investigating, I think it is a caching problem. Because when I add a random parameter to the URL of your feed, then I get another version of the feed where the most recent article is dated July 4th
Caching is when a static copy of a specific URL is generated on the server-side for faster page load speed. By adding a random parameter to the URL, your caching system can't find any static copy for this specific URL, so it generates a new fresh copy with the most recent version of your RSS feed.
So for now, I have updated our system to use the second URL instead of the first one. But I can't guarantee that the URL will be updated in the future as new articles are published. I recommend contacting noblogs about this.