what about beginning this service for swedish sites? a couple to start:
Bokkafé Angbett - https://bokkafeangbett.noblogs.org Rojavakommittéerna - https://www.rojavakommitteerna.com
Here are a few more Swedish anarchist websites suggested to us in the last few years
https://gatorna.info/ https://antifa.se/ https://anarkism.info/ https://www.sac.se/ https://suf.cc/ https://motbrus.noblogs.org/ https://flapoa.libertar.se/ https://sv.theanarchistlibrary.org/ http://libcom.org/tags/svenska https://www.sac.se/ https://k115.org https://anarkism.info
If we can find a translator, the team agreed to launch a platform in Swedish language
We need to find a unique name to avoid confusion with https://www.anarchy.no/afis.html
Allt åt alla - https://alltatalla.se Djurrättsfonden - https://djurrattsfonden.noblogs.org
Anarchist group from Malmö SödrⒶ Klubben - https://sodraklubben.noblogs.org/
Actually here's a couple more as well https://anarchist-archive.org/feed/rss.se.xml https://nattsvartverkstad.noblogs.org