I bleed revolution. If your only anarchist actions are related to union organizing, then you’re not an anarchist, you’re a corporate puppet. Everything you do should work to subvert the current and future actions of the state and all of their tentacle corporate affiliations. If your only goal in life is to work under the orders of someone else, under someone’s else’s direction, with someone else’s instructions, then you’re not a human being. You’re a chattel cattle at best. If a corporate pig tells or wants you to do something, then you should do the exact opposite, or else you’re just a pawn in a game of global corporate chess. Every one of your actions should be both a defensive and offensive maneuver. If you defend while you attack, you become one with your true purpose, which is to dismantle the state and all corporate authority. If you don’t think in a linear manner, then you’re not apart of their datasets, and they can’t predict your next move. You operate from outside of their datasets and what they think is your next move is never your next move. Then they start to doubt their own intelligence and all the false assumptions it’s based on, and the system starts to crumble. You use any means necessary, because that is your constitutional right, just as they use any means necessary to hold onto the power they stole from you. They stole your birthright, and it’s your legal duty as an American citizen to seek a redress of your grievances, using whatever it takes. Under no pretext.
The Europeans are even more pathetic than the far-right Americans. How are you smashing the state by destroying hunting equipment? Are you going to start sabotaging indigenous animal traps next? Lol go fuck yourselves you privileged hacks. I hope a hunter mistakes you for a deer. 🖕🏽