I'm a young person from the UK with strong anarchist leanings, in despair at what capitalism is doing to the world but well aware of what (supposedly) leftist authoritarianism has brought about in the past. Despite this, there's no denying that I'm reasonably middle class and privileged. Not silver spoon, holiday-in-Dubai, sports car for my 18th birthday, rich but not struggling by any means.
I try my best to be conscientious, supporting small businesses and buying second hand wherever possible, trying to avoid supporting unethical corporations and trying to be mindful of oppressed groups. However, I'm still struggling to reconcile the fact that capitalism does indeed work for me no matter how much I despise it and there are some benefits from it that I simply can't avoid.
This produces no small feeling a guilt and a constant sense that I sound like a snob who can afford to hold such views because of the very system I claim to be against. If anyone has any advice about what I've said please let me know, it'd be very much appreciated.
Thank you and fuck the system.