The platform automatically republishes all articles posted by the sources on the website. There is no moderator team to monitor or approve the articles. Also, most of us including myself don't speak English so it's very hard for us to monitor the content. You can learn more about how it works by reading this text: https://www.federacionanarquista.net/about-us/
Thus being said, this platform is collectively-managed and we welcome critics like yours, it really helps to flag problematic content and takes a collective decision if we need to remove any source. So thank you!
Could you please post the link to the article? I'm not sure which one you are referring to. Is this the article? https://www.federacionanarquista.net/no-hubo-errores-sobre-el-velorio-de-diego-maradona-ruben-mira/
Could you briefly explain if this is a problem with this specific article, or is it a problem with the source itself (Lobo Suelta). I have checked rapidly and it seems to be an anarchist source, but please note I'm using a translator so maybe i'm missing something.